Framed Oil Painting
Paintings can be placed in your bedroom, living room, kitchen and even your bathroom.
L122.5 x H 82.5 x W 3.5cms
Country of Origin: China
Care Instructions: Refer to FP product care handbook for more information.
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Framed Oil Painting
Paintings can be placed in your bedroom, living room, kitchen and even your bathroom.
L122.5 x H 82.5 x W 3.5cms
Country of Origin: China
Care Instructions: Refer to FP product care handbook for more information.
Framed Oil Painting
Paintings can be placed in your bedroom, living room, kitchen and even your bathroom.
L122.5 x H 82.5 x W 3.5cms
Country of Origin: China
Care Instructions: Refer to FP product care handbook for more information.
Dimensions | 80 × 80 × 3.2 cm |
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